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Ten Ways to Make an Impression at Your Next Trade Show

  1. Make sure you have the best personnel working the booth; Professional, Friendly, with lots of Energy for the full show, no frowns or indifference to the attendees.
  2. Make sure you have cool memorable Business Cards or a Scanner for recording your new contacts; then follow up.
  3. Make people feel Comfortable at your booth. Have a bottle of water and a snack for them.
  4. Make your Booth Noticeable.
  5. Make sure your Signage is clean and clear with your Company Logo, Tagline and Product focus.
  6. Make your Booth Fun…Have an Interactive Game for attendees to play.
  7. Give out a Large and Unique Convention Bag that will be noticeable to everyone at the show.
  8. Give everyone a Memorable, and useful Promotional Product to take home. You want them to use it on their return. Statistics indicate they will remember you.
  9. Make sure your Show Table is organized with Professional Product and Company Information packets. Do not have a distracting and cluttered table or booth
  10. Provide a Special Trade Show “Deal”for Interested clients

Make sure you follow up immediately either at the show electronically or on your return to the company. Send them a quick email with something personal and special about meeting them. You have now started to build a relationship!


When we look back over the past six years, our relationship with Don Allen and his firm has been a critical part of the global brand we have built. For us, logo-ed apparel, logo-ed duffel bags, caps, hats… have all played a key role in the emergence of our brand. I remember being in Paris at 6 am one December and being stopped by someone who recognized the logo on the back of my coat. A moment like that is simply priceless. Don is patient, helpful, focused and always meets deadlines. He communicates effectively and always keeps the best interest of his clients in the forefront. The quality of their work is superb, and he is always willing to do the kind of research that makes a critical difference in the selection of a product.
Falcon NAOwnerNyghtFalcon